
Let’s go places is a board game for English learners of all levels as well as those fluent in English who want to improve their knowledge of national flags and the locations of countries on a map.


Players will have the opportunity to practice:

  • Making complete sentences using 17 common prepositions
  • Identifying 115 country flags and where the countries are located on a map
  • Using articles (a and the) as well as singular and plural nouns properly
  • Reading close to 100 nouns, over 75 of which are Dolch sight words*

*frequently used English words compiled by Edward William Dolch and published in his book Problems in Reading in 1948.


  • よく使われる17個の前置詞を使用し、文章の作成の練習
  • 115個の国旗と、国の位置の特定
  • 単数、複数名詞だけでなく、冠詞 (a the)を適切に使用する事
  • 100個近い名詞を読むこと、75個以上は Dolch sight単語。

エドワード ウィリアム ドルチによってまとめられ、頻繁に使用される英語の単語、1948年 Problems in Readingで出版。

Let’s go places は全ての英語学習者、そして英語がすでに堪能である人でも、国旗、地理に関する知識を向上させたい人に最適です



a game board, a die, four pawns, a “flag cheat sheet,” and 144 cards:  18 “cat and box” cards, 120 “continent cards” (6×20), and 6 “sentence” cards.

内容:    ゲームボード、サイコロ、4つのコマ、“flag cheat sheet

144枚のカード:18枚の“cat and box”  103枚の “preposition card”  17枚の“go to card” 6枚の“sentence” cards

vocabulary logo

Students often acquire words by looking at pictures. All of the Preposition cards in this game are hand-drawn pictures of frequently used words.
If you would like the students to learn how to read these words, please download, print and cut out the 200 vocabulary cards in the linkes below.



1-100 vocab words

101-200 vocab words

Download will begin after clicking the pdf link above.



1)Lay out 15-20 Preposition cards containing the vocabulary you’d like to teach, face up, on the table.

2)Use the Continent Card Key, shown below, for quick reference.

3)Chose a Vocabulary card and have the students practice reading it.

4)Students race to find the picture amongst the Preposition cards that matches the word.

5)The student who finds the picture first says the word again, then keep the card.







Before You Play: A parent or teacher should use the “cat and box” cards to practice prepositions used in the board game by showing each card and asking the players to make complete sentences such as “The cat is in the box.”  “Slap” and “Missing” can be played to reinforce the players understanding of the grammar. 

ゲームをする前に:保護者または先生は、ボードゲームで使われる前置詞の練習にために “cat and box”カードを使用して下さい。そのカードをプレーヤーに見せ、“The cat is in the box.”のような文を作成してもらいます。“Slap” “Missing”のゲームをすることによって、文法の理解を深めることができます。

SLAP: Spread the cards out on the table with the cat and box pictures face up.  Call out a sentence.  Players slap the card which matches the sentence.  The first player to slap the correct card must say the sentence and then keep the card. After all cards have been collected, the player with the most cards is the winner.

cat and boxの絵を表にして、カードをテーブルに広げます。読み手が文を読み、プレーヤーは文章にあったカードを取ります。はじめに正しいカードを取ったプレーヤーが、文章を読み上げ、カードをキープします。全てのカードがなくなった時点で、一番たくさんのカードを持っている人が勝ちです。

Missing: Spread the cards out on the table with the cat and box pictures face up.  Ask the players to close their eyes.  Flip over a random card and ask the players to open their eyes.  The first player to call out the correct sentence of the flipped over card gets to keep it.  After all cards have been collected, the player with the most cards is the winner.

Missing: cat and boxの絵を表にして、カードをテーブルに広げます。プレーヤーに目を閉じるように指示します。ランダムに1枚のカードをめくり、プレーヤーに目を開けるように指示します。裏になっているカードの絵について、はじめに正しい文で言えたプレーヤーが、カードをキープします。全てのカードがなくなった時点で、一番たくさんのカードを持っている人が勝ちです。

After enough practice, the cat and box cards can be put away.  They will not be needed in the board game.

十分に練習した後、cat and box cardsは片付けても大丈夫です。ボードゲームではこのカードは必要ありません。

the board game

Objective: Be the first to have his or her pawn make its way from Japan to the United Kingdom.


Set up: Unfold the game board and place the continent cards, colored sides face up, in six stacks of 20.  The six “sentence cards” can be set aside for reference. 

セットアップ:ゲームボードを開き、シャッフルした20枚(色を表にして6セットの カード(“preposition card”  “go to card” )を、色別に置きます。6枚の“sentence cards” は参照用として置いておきます。

To play: Choose pawns to be placed in the start area and determine who will go first.  Each play starts with the player rolling the die and moving their game piece the same number of spaces. Each time a player lands on a space, they draw from a stack of the Continent cards that correspond to the color they land on.  The player to the left goes next and the rest of the game continues in a clockwise fashion.

The Continent card drawn will either be a “preposition” card or a “go-to” card.



Preposition cards


The preposition cards each contain a picture with a word or words below it.  The player must use these words along with the objects in the pictures to make complete sentences.


  1. Beginner English level players should simply make a sentence, for example, “The pig is far from the farm.
  2. Intermediate English level players should focus more on finding the flag hidden in the picture and say, for example, “The pig is far from the farm in Bangladesh.” and then find and point to the country on the map.  If they do not recognize the flag, they can refer to the “Flag cheat sheet” (students may need help with reading some of the country names.)
  3.  Advanced English level players can say the same sentence, giving more details when possible, such as “The pig is far from the farm in Bangladesh.  It must have escaped by digging under the fence.”  The player should point to the country and its surrounding countries on the map and say, for example, “Bangladesh is east of India.”
  1. ビギナーレベルのプレーヤーは、シンプルな“The pig is far from the farm.”のような文章を作成します。
  2. 中級レベルのプレーヤーは、隠れている国旗を見つけ、“The pig is far from the farm in Bangladesh.”のように言い、ボードゲームの地図からその国を見つけ, 指でさします。もしその国旗を知らなければ、“Flag cheat sheet”を参照して下さい。(プレーヤーは、国の名前を発音するのに助けを必要とするかもです)
  3. 上級者レベルのプレーヤーは、同じ文章に、“The pig is far from the farm in Bangladesh.  It must have escaped by digging under the fence.” のように、もう少し詳細を加えます。プレーヤーは地図でその国と、その周辺の国を指で指し、“Bangladesh is east of India.” のように言う。

Go-to cards

There are 17 “Go to” cards in the game.  These cards each contain a gap-filling exercise.  When a player draws one of these cards, they are to move their pawn to the space which has a “port” attached to it.  The port will have a dotted line leading to the country or state that matches the card.  Once the location has been identified, the player should fill in the gap with cardinal directions such as “Alaska is east of Russia.”

このゲームには17枚の “Go to”カードがあります。それぞれのカードの文章には空白があり、それを埋めてプレイをします。プレーヤーが、これらのカードを引くと、コマを “port”(港)のあるスペースへ動かします。portには、カードに書かれている国、または州につながる点線があります。いったん場所が特定されたら、“Alaska is   east    of Russia.”とういうように、空白を埋めながら、基本的な位置を言います。


Sentence cards

Players who struggle with the vocabulary can refer to the sentence cards.  Each of the six sentence cards list the twenty sentences suggested for that color’s set.  The sentences are numbered to match the numbers on the cards.   

知らない単語があった時は、sentence cardsを参照して下さい。それぞれの色のsentence cardsには、20の文章が書かれています。自分の引いたカードに書かれている数字を、同じ色のsentence card から探して下さい。


Flag Cheat Sheet

Players can refer to the “flag cheat sheet” anytime they draw a preposition card and cannot identify the country’s flag.  After playing the game a few times, the cheat sheet should be referred to less and less as players will begin to memorize the country flags.

プレーヤーがpreposition cardを引いて、国旗の名前を言えない場合は、“flag cheat sheet”を参照して下さい。数回ゲームをした後、プレーヤーは国旗を暗記することによって、cheat sheetの使用回数は減ると思われます。



There are four spaces along the path that have “buttons” on them.  When a player lands on one of these spaces, they must draw a card that is the same color as the button.  If a “go-to” card is drawn, they’ll have to go to a port.  If, however, a preposition card is drawn, they should make a sentence and the next time it is their turn, they have the option to continue down the color path they were on or take the color path that matches the button. 

ゲームの中には、“buttons”のあるスペースがあります。プレーヤーがそこにとまった場合は、そのbuttonと同じ色のカードを引き、もしgo-toカードを引いたら、port()に行かなければなりません。しかし、preposition cardを引いたら、文章を言わなければなりません。そして、次の順番が回ってきたら、すでに自分が通ってきた色のコースを通るか、buttonの色と同じ色のコースを選ぶことができます。

Winning the game

The winner is the first player to reach the goal.  It is suggested that the player must roll the exact number to land on the goal. If they roll a number that is higher than what is needed to land on the goal, they should move back the extra number of spaces and draw another purple card.  This should continue with each play until they roll the exact number that will get them to the goal. 

