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EiKEN Card Games


The Eiken Test in Practical English Proficiency is an English language test conducted by a Japanese public-interest incorporated foundation, the Eiken Foundation of Japan, and backed by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

実用英語技能検定 (じつようえいごぎのうけんてい、英: EIKEN test) は、公益財団法人日本英語検定協会 (Eiken Foundation of Japan) が実施する英語技能の検定である。 一般に英語検定または英検と呼ばれる[5]。

Students preparing for the EIKEN exam often study by using past exams. Most find this quite boring and monotonous. These Eiken Preparation Games solve this problem by making it a little more fun to learn new words that may show up on the exams. Rather than choosing the best out of four possible answers in a multiple choice sentence, students have eight cards to chose from after flipping over the START card and reading the sentence. Of these eight cards, students are encouraged to divide them into two groups of four, based on their grammar and tenses, before choosing the best answer by flipping over the card.



EIKEN 2 card game

EIKEN3 card game

EIKEN4 card games1

EIKEN4 card games2